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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
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    help question paypalCan the payment process be simplified like this?

    The buyer jumps to the PayPal page to fill in the information, click to confirm the payment, complete the payment directly, do not need to jump, my website clicks again to confirm the order.

    I found that many customers close the page directly after clicking the confirmation payment on the PayPal page, without knowing that they need to go back to the website and click to confirm the order to complete the payment.

    The process itself is not designed properly. The first click confirms the order to jump to the PayPal page, and the second click confirms the order to complete the payment.

    I counted this problem and caused the loss of nearly 40% of orders.

    I am currently using the 1.51 and 1.55 versions.

    Plugin for remediation of the damage caused by this problem?

    Urgent Urgent

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
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    Default Re: paypalCan the payment process be simplified like this?

    In using the paypal express method, look at the paypal express descriptions about how to streamline the process. Eg. Use the cheapest shipping method and don't use coupons. I know that with those settings and perhaps a few others that selling digital/virtual product the sale can complete without confirmation.

    Otherwise at the point(s) prior to selecting paypal as the payment method providing some guidance can help. Also information on the site such as, I placed my order, but didn't receive an email with order confirmation. There's also a plugin about recovering carts or similar to identify which customers have a cart associated with their account which doesn't clear until either they remove the product from their cart or the sale completes.
    ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
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    Default Re: paypalCan the payment process be simplified like this?

    Many customers think that clicking on PayPal confirms payment, that is, the payment is successful, and most customers are not in the habit of checking orders.
    I tested some other open source systems and they don't need to confirm the order again.
    Unreasonable process like this, why the official did not notice.



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